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Content Responsibility

The project leaders are responsible for the content of the website

Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Lipińska
Kunsthistorisches Institut
der Universität zu Köln
50923 Köln

+49 221 470 – 3985

Technical Implementation and Digital Humanities

Cologne Center for eHumanities
Universität zu Köln
50923 Köln

Funded by

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Agence nationale de la recherche (ARN)

Disclaimer/Responsibility for Links

The Hamburg District Court ruled on May 12, 1998, that by placing a link, one may be held responsible for the content of the linked page. According to the court, this can only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from these contents. The responsible parties of the website declare in this sense: “We hereby explicitly distance ourselves from the contents of all linked pages that are not under our responsibility.”

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